
Do you offer next day delivery?

Yes, we've partnered with a third-party delivery service to ensure your cakes reach you promptly. Please keep in mind the following:

  • The recipient of the cake should be available to meet the delivery person curbside.
  • On the delivery day, we will send a delivery time confirmation message via text just before the cake is on the way. If the recipient is unable to respond, the delivery will be temporarily held until the recipient confirms that someone is available to receive the cake.
  • For next-day deliveries, please place your order before 6 pm the day before or before 6 pm on Friday for weekend deliveries.

For same-day delivery requests, please contact the store at 0452 132 332. We'll do our best to assist your needs promptly.

How much does it cost for delivery?

Our standard delivery pricing:

- 0-3 km of pickup location = $12.99

- 3-5 km of pickup location = $18.99

- 5-8 km of pickup location = $22.99

- 8-10 km of the pickup location = $26.99

- 10-15 km of pickup location = $32.99

They're flat fees, no hidden costs, no nasty surprises. All orders must be placed by 6pm the day before.

Can I choose a specific delivery time?

You now have the option to choose your preferred delivery time from

  • 9 AM to 12 PM
  • 12 PM to 3 PM
  • 3 PM to 6 PM.

On the delivery day, we'll contact you to confirm the recipient's availability. Please note that if we can't reach the recipient, we'll hold the delivery until confirmation.

When our delivery driver is nearby, they'll get in touch with the recipient (multiple times if needed) and wait for a maximum of 10 minutes at the delivery address.

In case we face difficulties delivering your order under these circumstances, we won't be able to offer refunds, and a re-delivery fee will apply.

My Order

How can I cancel my order?

If you wish to cancel your order, please note that it must be done 24 hours ahead of your scheduled pickup date. We will not be able to refund your purchase if it is cancelled within the 24 hour window.

Please note that if you have ordered a Chocolate Plaque with your cake and wish to cancel your order, this must be done 48 hours ahead of your scheduled pickup date. The same applies for all delivery orders.

To cancel your order, please contact us via email or by calling us.

Pick-up Options

Can I order for same day pick-up?

Yes, you may order any cake to pick up on the day - however, this is entirely dependent on stock availability. If we run out on the day, there will be a "sold out" sign.

However, if you urgently need to order a cake on the day, the best way to contact us is through our store's email info@onticopatisserie.comor by calling/messaging us 0452132332.

What are my pick-up options?

Simply come to our store located on Pitt Street to pick up your cake!

Alternatively, for the convenience of our customers who have booked a cake and are driving to our store, we do offer kerbside pick up near the shop. This means that customers may stop near our location and call us upon their arrival. Payment can be made while you are in your car and our staff will come out to 'drop-off' the cake.

Please note: In the checkout page, you will be prompted to enter a "shipping address". This is just something that is required to process your order and we will not be delivering your order.


All of our cakes are made in a kitchen that handles eggs, milk, flour and other tree nuts so there may be traces in the product.